Wednesday, November 16, 2011


Since Occupy is the most motley of mobs consisting of pie-in-the-sky idealists,thugs,
degenerates' protest is going badly the Lame Stream Media blames shop owners, rich people and of course, the cops. HERE IS What most thoughtful people think of "Occupiers".

You would think instances of multiple rapes,muggings,thefts, physical assault, trespassing, pimping,drug sale and abuse, vandalism, arson,trashing streets,prostitution, and racism. Media has maintained silence about the black cop getting shoved over while riding his Harley Davidson motorcycle as he patrolled the lunatics at the Occupy Denver Whine Fest. Correctomente, a black AKA African American police officer got pushed over by a white, honky, gringo, pasty skin, Caucasian Occupy protestor.(2)(9)

Being "controversial" for fun and profit,Occupy
Oakland strike promoter Boots Riley, who wrote “5 million ways to kill a CEO,” has a photo opportunity picture that celebrates the attack on the World Trade Center on 9/11/2001. Occupiers’ called for a November 2, 2011, “general strike” action anticipated to shutdown the Port of Oakland (Calif.). A number of the same old usual suspect agitators Michelle Malkin explained and denounced for the past ten years are behind the latest manufactured chaos "general strike". The Bay Area Left’s violent Oakland port shutdown in 2003, the ignominious Oakland agitator and strike leader Boots Riley, Oakland’s Van Jones, Occupy Oakland, and the violent ILWU thugs and their supporters who kicked off the Day of Rage warm-up show in Longview, Washington this past September, 2011 (13)
On November 3, 2011 02:19 AM, massive vandalism damage was seen at downtown Oakland Wells Fargo Bank: “F*** the bank:” Source: Twitpic Source: Twitpic Source: Twitpic Source: Twitpic Source: Twitpic Chase Bank: Source: Twitpic “We are better than this.” Not really. Anarchy speaks louder than whitewash words: Source: Twitpic Bank of America: Destruction at Whole Foods. (16)
On November 7, 2011 at 12:43 PM, since vandalizing businesses, smashing windows, provoking police with spits and taunts, shutting down (Longview,WA for one)ports, and attracting rapists, thieves, and molesters to their encampments didn’t cause raise enough of a ruckus, a person dangled himself from the Tappan Zee bridge with a black-helicopter banner in Rockland County, NY that reads “Rockland Executive Legislature Cover Up Retaliation.”. Looks like if one does not READ IT from the internet, one does not READ IT AT ALL.(17)
At about 4 AM breaking into private property where OTHER UNION employees had already secured a CONTRACT negating further union action. One would think 10,000 non-union people had taken away UNION JOBS...NOT the case at all.
An (Excerpt From)Open Letter to the Citizens of Oakland from the Oakland Police Officers’ Association
1 November 2011 – Oakland, Ca
On Tuesday, October 25th, we (POLICE) were ordered by Mayor Quan to clear out the encampments at Frank Ogawa Plaza and to keep protesters out of the Plaza. We performed the job that the Mayor’s Administration asked us to do, being fully aware that past protests in Oakland have resulted in rioting, violence and destruction of property.
Then, on Wednesday, October 26th, the Mayor allowed protesters back in – to camp out at the very place they were evacuated from the day before.
To add to the confusion, the Administration issued a memo on Friday, October 28th to all City workers in support of the “Stop Work” strike scheduled for Wednesday, giving all employees, except for police officers, permission to take the day off.
That’s hundreds of City workers encouraged to take off work to participate in the protest against “the establishment.” But aren’t the Mayor and her Administration part of the establishment they are paying City employees to protest? Is it the City’s intention to have City employees on both sides of a skirmish line?(14)
It is all very confusing to us.(THE POLICE TRYING TO KEEP THE PEACE, obviously)
Occupy Fort Collins activist Benjamin Gilmore is accused of arson, burglary and criminal mischief, in connection with the early morning $10,000,000 fire in Penny Flats. Benjamin Gilmore's trial judge refuses to lower bond of $250,000. Occupy Fort Collins, Julia Crisafi, a representative of Occupy Fort Collins is distancing the movement from Gilmore. (19)

San Francisco Mayor Ed Lee ignored the plight of store owners and merchants who blamed a crime wave of shoplifting, vandalism and muggings at the Embarcadero marketplace and other locations, on Occupy SF campers. Store owners and merchants all agreed that protesters had definitely and rampantly and lawlessly run amok and wild. Store owners and merchants noted a skyrocketing of laptop and cell phone thefts from their customers since the Occupy SF arrived, and have repeatedly begged plaintively for 24/7 policing to get the crime wave scenario under control. Numerous complaint letters cite protesters regularly getting nude to bathe in public restrooms and have even broken into buildings in order to steal electricity to provide power for the camp.(12)
On at least 10 campuses, hundreds of California college students protested , including UC Irvine, UCLA and UC Berkeley, where police forcibly removed students and arrested 39 people. The University of California system faces some of the steepest budget cuts and tuition hikes in the nation. An increase by 81 percent is expected over the next four years in tuition and fees. This fall, students observed tuition hikes a few weeks before their classes were to begin. On a statewide day of heck raising allegedly in support of public education but actually just upset over greedy tuition hikes, hundreds of UC Berkeley students covered Sproul Plaza. After they tried to up several tents, dozens were pushed and allegedly beaten back by police.
House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi who LOVES Occupy ANYTHING, ranted Sunday, Novermber 13,2011 at a CBS (See BS usually ) News' "60 Minutes" report that spotlighted several instances of what it suggested could be "soft corruption" alleged known as "insider trading". It seems that Pelosi and her husband got in on a public offering of Visa in 2008, according to CBS. They bought 5,000 shares at the initial price of $44; two days later, shares were trading $20 up at $64, CBS News' "60 Minutes" stated. Also allegedly caught in the dragnet expose were the notorious House Speaker John Boehner and not so-well-known-Republican Rep. Spencer Bachus of Alabama -- who reportedly bought stocks around the same time Congressional legislation involving those investments was being discussed. Pelosi mouthpiece, Drew Hammill, whined pathetically in a statement immediately after the report aired Sunday night. One can readily imagine Pelosi calling him and her lawyer to alert them that the stock buying alleged insider trading was not going well. It is hoped by many that appropriate non-messy suicides are in the offing as these "lawmakers" usually allegedly scofflaw their way out of criminal mischief at taxpayer expense. It is characteristic of allegedly crooked lawmakers to put pressure on businesses to depress stock prices, THEN buy up lots of stock at the cut rate price and wait for it to go up.
These "lawmakers" may feel that Martha Stewart paid for their transgressions...although may people sympathize with the TV lady. SOMEBODY allegedly heard a rumor that Congress was attacking business, notified Martha Stewart about a "good buy" and the rest is INFAMY. Most people would not ask,"Why is this a "bargain"? And the general public doubts that Martha Stewart did anything untoward. She is not a stock broker, she is a businesswoman, albeit a high profile, very famous one. Congresspersons, on the other hand, are supposed to "avoid the VERY APPEARANCE" of impropriety and thus stay away from profit taking via "shady" alleged circumstances.
Congress CROOKS, the wagon is ready and the ropes are over the tree limb. NOT! Just go to jail quietly and no one will even notice you are gone! Or skip the wagon part and take the Judas way owe us for passing "Healthcare" for North America" paid by US taxpayers. PLEASE do the Judas "swan song"!

A woman died of a suspected heroin overdose at Occupy Vancouver over the November 12-13 weekend of 2011. Mayor of Vancouver Gregor Robertson ordered the "Occupy" camp to be shut down after a woman died.(11)

A protester sporting expensive sunglasses and a pale-blue medical mask worn "Shadow style"under his nose, at the Occupy Vancouver site in downtown Vancouver,Canada.(11)

Protesters think of new and novel ways to agitate, an Occupy DC biological mother who utilized her two toddler-aged "wee ones" to block a convention center door despite mayhem yet insists she’s not going to "cease and desist" from using her kids as tiny human shields. (1)Barricade was made from wooden trash containers and a metal recycler containers and two crying kids were placed in a small toy wagon.(5)

On Friday night, November 11, 2011, in Washington D.C., three seemingly sober protestors were spotted by police as they unintelligently jumped in front of the Lexus as the driver tried to ease gently through the crowd. They

were hungrily marching in protest of ‘Tribute to Ronald Reagan’ dinner in the vast ballroom on the center’s 3rd floor (18)
held by Americans for Prosperity, a conservative free-market group affiliated with the tea party movement.(11)

Outside the Tribute to Ronald Reagan dinner over five hundred protesters from various Occupy movements and nonprofits including Greenpeace grouped together against David and Charles Koch’s involvement in politics. America’s richest brothers are notorious backers of conservative candidates TBTG and conservative causes are the opposite end of the political spectrum from George Soros and other wealthy liberal money traders who back all that is liberalism and socialism and communism. To their credit, the nonprofit arm of Americans for Prosperity raised and invested $45 million in last November’s midterm 2010 elections. The Americans for Prosperity group plans to double that amount to raise at least $90 million for the 2012 election.(18) We all know Democrats who laughed at the "Commie Pinko" label on Democrats who are now eating their hats. No more do unions and liberals hide their love for socialism and communism. They are now and have been unmasked.

Philadelphia Occupy movement has a few thousand protesters with at least 3 rapes and possibly even more as they encourage people to not report rapes and rape is reportedly an under-reported crime.

At Occupy Wall Street in New York City, people were cold inside tents-turned-into-igloos by wet frozen snow but a sex fiend skulked into a woman’s tent and sexually assaulted her at around 6 a.m., admitted protesters, who chased him from Zuccotti Park on October 31,2011.(3)

At Occupy Wall Street in New York City in Manhattan, where Obama's army of goons have been camping out the past few weeks, just so happened to get a $135 million loan to subsidize a New Hampshire wind farm just after opening their privately-owned Zuccotti Park to the anti-capitalist squatters!(21)

Speaking of Zuccotti Park, there is a FISHY smell here. occupy Wall Street opened Zuccotti Park in mid-September, and VIOLA! On September 23, here's comes a windfall of taxpayer cash of $135,000,000 for milti-billion dollar company Brookfield!

Guess who lobbies Congress for Brookfield? The firm of Oldaker, Biden & Belair, founded by Joe Biden's son. That is one bug-in-a-rug cozy crony capitalism relationship!

A wild-eyed screaming male associating with the Occupy Wall Street movement was arrested outside the New York City Supreme Court for wild-eyed screaming on Friday, November 11,2011.(11)

Reported rapes and sexual assault against women has dogged the Occupy Wall Street movement in the past weeks as recently a 19-year-old Cleveland victim claimed she was raped after being directed by 'Occupy' officials to share a tent with a man named 'Leland'. Another was a 14-year-old Dallas runaway who was sexually assaulted after running away from home to be with and join the protests. Representatives of NOW or The National Organization for Women said," We're here in New York joining the Occupy Wall Street movement. California NOW encourages our members to join their local Occupy events to ensure our elected leaders hear from us....the other 99%. #occupywallstreet," but have NOTHING TO SAY about sexual assault against women. Although a thorough search of NOW’s press release statements and actions reveals absolutely no condemnation or repudiation or put down of 'Occupy’s' seamy, slimy side.(6)

A screaming run-amuk protester with the Occupy Wall Street movement wore an expensive Guy Fawkes mask and probably was not arrested.(11)

On Tuesday, November 1, according to police officials, a 26 year-old Crown Heights (New York) man named Tonye Iketubosin, was arrested on charges of sexual assault including allegedly raping a fellow Occupy Wall Street protestor and groping another in separate incidents.(7)

Iketubosin is allegedly implicated in assaulting a 17-year old female after helping her set up a tent on October 24th,2011 in New York City.(8)

Occupy Portland occupation, a man living at the encampment was arrested for the second time in less than a week. This time someone saw him throwing a Molotov Cocktail. David Joseph Hodson, 29, was charged on November 9,2011 with one count each of arson in the first degree, manufacturing a destructive device, possession of a destructive device and criminal mischief in the second degree, according to the report of the Portland Police Bureau (PPB).

Hodson was previously arrested Sunday, Nov. 6,2011 on multiple charges in connection with three rubbish fires sparked Sunday night on Southwest Taylor Street between 3rd and 5th avenues, according to Portland Fire and Rescue (PF&R. (19)

When interviewed on Wall Street, a woman detailed the sexual assaults that have taken place there to Lee Stranahan and Brandon Darby. She related to Lee Stranahan and Brandon Darby that “at least 10 incidences of, at least, groping” and “there was a guy that got raped.” A woman was video taped who saw a girl crying and knew personally of at least one rape. "Security Team" was reportedly watching/photographing violent people. (4)

Three protestors at Occupy Washington 'deliberately' were run down by a vicious car seemingly driving itself! And another at Occupy Oakland,California.(11)

According to witnesses, Occupy Baltimore protesters refused to help a woman who was raped in their midst, then purposely disrupted a local media investigation into what had occurred to cover it up.(4)

Over 20 protesters arrested at Occupy Atlanta in Georgia,USA, over weekend of November 12-13.2011. Among them was a young man who refused to come along walking after being arrested at Occupy Atlanta after refusing to leave a street blocked by protestors in front of Woodruff Park. About 50 demonstrators were arrested in and near Woodruff Park during October of 2011.(11)

A pamphlet was circulated by Occupy Baltimore in early October, that encouraged victims of sexual assault to “immediately report the incident to the security committee,” which would investigate and “supply the abuser with counseling resources.”(4)

About a dozen protesters were arrested at Occupy in Honolulu,Hawaii over the weekend of November 12-13,2011.(11)

This disgusting aversion to justice for rape victims extends to Occupy Toronto as well. A video related police investigating a captured Middle Eastern man who had "tried to kiss my girlfriend's feet". A knife was involved also on the same video.(4)

Occupy Denver protesters danced on/vandalized with pink paint, a U.S. flag during the Occupy Denver protest at Civic Center on Saturday, November 12-13.2011
while disrupting a licensed Veterans Day march on November 12, 2011.(11)
Several police rode economically on bicycles to
Occupy Denver protesters swagger through downtown Denver,Colorado on Friday, November 11,2011.(11)

In a raw video taken by an occupier whose girlfriend was groped by a man who also tried to make other protesters drink urine, a troubling incident unfolds. As the man accused of sexual assault is taken in by police, several Occupy Toronto protesters can be seen trying to dispose of a knife that the accuser wanted to give to authorities as evidence. One of the protesters spoke about the knife: “I’m just going to throw it away.”(4)

A protester wearing an expensive rubber Halloween mask as a 'blood-sucking banker' was seen in the downtown Las Angeles financial district of over the weekend of November 12-13,2011.(11)
Michael Moore agitates at Occupy Denver, promoting his books on November 11,2011. At least he occupies a JOB...self-agrandising self-promotion, getting RICHER than his reported $50,000,000 bankroll.(15)

An astute observer, wise in his years, Martin Hale (10) remarked:

The OWSers are devolving into many camps which fall into two 'meta-camps' - the grasshoppers and the ants. The ants are the ones manning the endless array of committees and councils, flailing desperately on the horns of their self-made dilemma - realizing that creating order from chaos requires that to which you're diametrically opposed - power. Love and sharing only take you so far, for so long. Then the sharks come to feast on the innocents. The grasshoppers, in true grasshopper fashion live in and for the moment - they're the ones getting high, drumming, screwing like rabbits and whining on about getting everything handed to them for free. And now, the markedly less principled 'outsiders' (consisting of the mentally ill, the homeless, and the criminal) have set upon the movement to get their share of the goodies. Inevitable and predicable.

I had recorded John Boorman's 1981 film Excalibur on my DVR and I watched it last night. The parallels between Camelot, the Summer of Love, and OWS were striking. All built upon lofty ideals, it was (and will be) the ever-present foibles of humanity which will erode them to ruins. Our Camelots can never be but a brief respite, a shining moment in the Sun before they consume themselves with their own humanity.

Despite our i-devices, Facebook and 'global consciousness', we're hardly different from the people Thomas Malory wrote about nearly 700 years ago.














(16)Massive damage was seen at downtown Oakland Wells Fargo Bank: “F*** the bank:” Source: Twitpic Source: Twitpic Source: Twitpic Source: Twitpic Source: Twitpic Chase Bank: Source: Twitpic “We are better than this.” Not really. Anarchy speaks louder than whitewash words: Source: Twitpic Bank of America: Destruction at Whole Foods. A photographer writes: “So @WholeFoods got what they wanted






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